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Typical Daily Schedule – Philadelphia Project


Projects in Philadelphia typically run on a later-to-rise, later-to-bed schedule as compared to many other AIM projects. Many people in the city don’t get up or come out of their homes until late morning or early afternoon, but will stay outside until late in the night. This schedule reflects that. It is subject to change based on the time of day for VBS that the local pastor desires. To maintain good relationships with our local ministries, it is vital that the groups arrive on time and prepared to any event that has been committed to by the Philly setup team (such as VBS, service project times, etc). However, there is usually much room for flexibility throughout the day, and you should be prepared to adjust for unforeseen circumstances.

7:30 Rise & Shine

8:00 Breakfast

8:30 Quiet Time

9:15 Concert of Prayer

9:45 Leave for Morning Ministry

10 – 12 Morning Ministry (Construction, Prayer Walks, etc.)

12:30 – Lunch back at AIM Base

1:45 – Leave for Afternoon Ministry

2 – 4 Afternoon Ministry (Typically VBS)

4 – 5:30 “Flex Time” – Daily ATL/Rest

6:30 – Dinner

8:00 Evening Debrief & Worship (or Evening Ministry)

11:00 Lights Out

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