Hey friends!
Just keeping you updated on the awesome life of Team Philly, we have the week off! This is our only week this summer that we don’t have groups coming, so we’re living it up! Actually, we’re hard at work getting ready for the next group to come! Yesterday we re-worked the schedule for this coming week, taking into account what we learned from our first group and revamping it. We’re really seeing how God is moving within our own group, making us more aware of the needs of incoming groups and how to be better leaders, as well as showing strengths within each person in our group and how we can utilize that.
We’re already praying for Centreville Presbyterian Church from Virginia
(WOOTWOOT- for those who don’t know, it’s my home state!), which is our
next group. It looks like we have a great group of 55 coming and we’re
totally stoked for them!
Today, we helped Wyoming Ave Baptist by passing out fliers from a police meeting on Thursday here at the church. Pastor Luis is a huge advocate for neighborhood safety and letting the community have a say in it. The fliers encourage everyone under the 25th district to come out and express their concerns and/or how to lower crime here in the neighborhood. Please be praying that the meeting will be a success and that members of our community would be bold enough to come and speak out.
Be praying for the 25th District Policemen as they put their lives on the line everyday to lower crime here in Philly.
And last but not least continue to pray for Team Philly as we get ready for Centreville Pres (and really the rest of the summer) and pray that blessings just overflow here in Philly!

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