
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Our three groups this week have been working hard!  Here are some pictures from ministry sites to give you an idea of what we’ve been up to!

Some of our guys from Canada have been working at the Multicultural Wellness Center prepping the ground for concrete.

Some of our groups have been over at Bill and Kristie’s again this week.  They leave the US to move to Paris on the 19th of this month.  Be in prayer as they rely on the Lord to provide the rest of the funds they need for their move and to minister to the lost people of Northern Paris.

Jamie and Jordan helped out by manning a yard sale in Bill and Kristie’s front yard.

We’ve also had groups helping prepare Wyoming Ave. Baptist for their VBS next week!  It looks like it’s going to be awesome!

The ladies of the church and the kids worked together to paint this awesome backdrop!

It’s hard to believe it’s already Wednesday!  We’re especially excited to see how God moves tomorrow during our ATLs!  Check back later this week for more updates!

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