
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Good morning!

We are hosting two awesome groups this week here at Wyoming Ave.  Take some time to meet them and see what they’re up to in their morning ministries today!

Groups from St. Paul UCC
from Lancaster, PA

These two groups [God’s Bananas- top picture, Team Christ- bottom picture] are canvassing in the neighborhood by Beacon Presbyterian where they will be doing VBS in the afternoons this week.  Be praying that they find kids that need to hear about Christ’s love for them.

The Falcons, also from St. Paul, are prayer walking this morning around the community.  Pray that they come in contact with people who need to be encouraged by God’s word.

Groups from Queen’s Herald Church
from New York

These groups, QHC and Flying Cars, are hitting the books with students from Clara Barton Elementary School right down the road.  They are helping with tutoring kids that are part of the summer school program.

Be praying for these teams as they begin their week here in Philly, that their hearts would be open and receptive to what the Lord wants to do in and through them.  Thanks from your continued prayer for Team Philly as we round out our stay here in the City of Brotherly Love.

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