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Thoughts & Inspiration

Caleb shared this story at debrief and it really tugged on my heart
strings.  Check out his interview below.

I have to say as well, that I have been really
impressed with some of the younger individuals on the trip this week. 
I’m impressed at their ability to see God everywhere and that they all
seem to have wisdom well beyond their years.  Some of them are just
getting ready to begin their freshman year of high school!  My prayer
for these groups is that they will be seen as an asset in their churches
and their spiritual gifts will be realized and used to the fullest.
They are so precious, and they are incredibly valuable to the Kingdom.

Our groups head out tomorrow, well technically in about 6ish
hours and I’m really sad to see them go.  Yet, I’m so excited for them
to get home and begin their real “mission” trip.  Be praying for their
safe travels home and their transition back into their hometowns, that
they will be able to apply what God has taught them here where they

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