
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Two weeks ago, I shared with you a video of our South Dakota group
and their expectations for their week here in Philly.  This week, I
decided to do something a little different.  I really loved hearing the
desires of our students and how they wanted to see Christ during their
time here, but I was afraid I was missing out on some awesome
expectations.  Therefore, I had everyone write them down anonymously and
hand them in to me.

Here are some of them:

“That my passion for Christ be ‘flamed’- Christ would be first and
foremost on my mind.”

“I expect to see new things to change within me.  I hope God gives me
the patience on this trip to stay calm and understand where people are
coming from.”

“I expect God to show up in HUGE ways.  I expect that Jesus will
teach us and work in our heart to build sustainable relationships with
one another rooted in discipleship.  I expect God to love on us and
instill a continual devotion to his righteousness, word and that will
last all of eternity.”

“I hope to build a strong relationship with God.  I hope that God can
open my eyes this week and really reach out so I can act as his eyes,
ears and hands.  I pray that everyone on our mission team and the people
in Philadelphia feel God’s presence or in some way benefits from the
ministry this week.”

“For the Lord to show CPC youth and team how wonderful God can
witness through us.”

“I want to show kids/everyone we meet the love/relationship of Jesus

“I started thinking about my expectations and I don’t really have
any.  I hope that by not planning something for once in my life I will
feel closer to God.”

“This week I want to see God help me build relationships with
others.  I want to see myself grow stronger wtih the help of those
around me, I want my relationship to prosper through him.”

“I pray God will loosen the hold that fear and self-doubt have on me
so I can do his work!”

“I hope to see God more powerfully…to clearly see the movement of
the Holy Spirit.”

“One of my expectations is that I’m probably gonna find myself in an
awkward situation.”

As I was reading them the first time, I have to confess that I didn’t
see the heart in these expectations.  It took me re-reading them,
without expectations on what I wanted to hear from them, to
really understand this group’s heart and longings.

Some of the expectations are simple but in the end, they are all
asking for Christ to show up.  They want to see the Lord move
powerfully, to bring change.  And that’s what we’re all about.

Pray that Christ will blow these expectations away.  Continue praying
for the CPC group and their hearts, allowing God to come in and do work
here.  I can’t wait to see what they have to say at the end of the

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